I decided to have a single strong colour dominating on the front and back cover with simplistic black edges. This is because it would contrast greatly against other CD Cases or Album Covers thereby drawing the potential buyers eye to pick the case up. Or to prompt the thought "Huh that looks interesting".
Where as to add that little special 'indie' touch I also wanted to add a booklet with the lyrics of the songs as well as a few relevant images. To keep to the contrast ideas of the outside of the case I was going to have them be in a simple domination background image / colour with only a limited amount of imagery here and there.
This would mean that in total there would be 7 panes throughout the CD Case. Firstly with the Booklet acting as the front of the album with 6 panes and the Back of the CD case as the 7th.

The image only uses 4 imagery layers (once ; firstly we have a high-resolution papery texture to add a bit of unique with a low opacity of around 25%; secondly there is a radial gradient of yellow to green with an overlay setting to create the background; thirdly the rays of light with an overlay setting of only 35% opacity; finally there is Owen with a desaturated affect.
Creating the ‘Rays of Light’ was quite challenging. I employed the Pen tool and created a single ray where I then went onto duplicating it multiple times. After that I then transformed each image and rotated them in 20 degrees multiples until I achieved the final affect you see. For a more detailed explanation of how I achieved some of my editing look [ HERE ].
The text has numerous affects such as Shadow along with stroke to make it more imposing; there are 9 different text layers on the image. I wanted to create a affect as thought the Album name was traveling along the guitar and then falling off it to the ground which leads us onto the back of the CD Case.
Back of CD Case

I decided to use a blue text as though the song names had fallen into a puddle. This affect may not come across clearly but it does have a very impressive manner of drawing your eyes straight to the songs which is the point behind the back of this case.
You may notice the edges, these are for the edges of the CD Case. I decided to keep them simple with a black overlay on the green background. By using this contrast anyone picking up the CD Case will be instantly drawn to the green thereby advertising the songs and band name.

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