Video Idea
We are currently looking at doing a primarily a performance video due to our music video research showing that the best skating videos such as Lost Prophets Shinobi VS. Dragon are centred around performance and come out extremely well with little to no narrative.
Narrative (?)
If we were to employ a narrative we would sue something along these lines to keep with the Song lyrics themselves to not make it to ambiguous so that the audience can't follow it at all.
- Journey to skate park
- Skating alone
- Progressing to a better clothed skater (Inline with lyrics of "New Life, new work")
Throughout this narrative we would be using a large range of performance shots of the skater doing tricks around the band and rural skatepark.
The performance would be made up of different shots of Skating tricks. We'd aim to have a range of different angles from low to high as well as different distance shots similarly to the images below taken from the Lost Prophets Shinobi VS. Dragon.
We are looking to use our local skatepark (Hethersett). This will provide a contrast to other skateboarding videos of the larger skateparks as well as add a layer of humour with the sheep in the background. It all connotes a laid back, more rural approach, which will fit in well with aesthetics of the band as well as the skateboarders clothing.
As you can see from the 4 shots above this is a low end simple skatepark, keeping with the aesthetic of a "New Wave" band. Plus by having an open background at the time of day we're planning to film the music video you will get a strong visual background adding to the feeling and impact of the video, plus it further empowers the lighting we're using.
The actual layout of the skatepark suits our ideas in the fact the central ramp acts as mini-central stage. By having the band in the middle of the skatepark and at a slightly lower angle will connote their importance further.
Current lighting is going to be comprised of power torches and gas lamps providing accurate and powerful light. This will enable us to highlight the band and skater during the slowly decreasing light creating a power contrast between the darkening field around the skatepark and the band performing and the tricks being preformed.
Plus with it being a very open area we should be able to use the sky as a magnificent background for the band. A good example of what I mean is the shot below taken out of our video:
Props and Equipment
The actual layout of the skatepark suits our ideas in the fact the central ramp acts as mini-central stage. By having the band in the middle of the skatepark and at a slightly lower angle will connote their importance further.
Camera Angles
We plan to have a high amount of low angle shots to increase the size of the band and to further connote their importance as mentioned in the Location section. We also plan to have quite a few over head shots to gain a larger impression of the skate park.
We shall be following the stereotype of other music videos by having numerous close up shots of the lead singer to further connote his importance as the head of the band. Plus a few other ideas we have is to have a side extreme close up of the band members playing their instruments to draw in the audience. Especially those with aspirations to be musicians themselves.
We shall be following the stereotype of other music videos by having numerous close up shots of the lead singer to further connote his importance as the head of the band. Plus a few other ideas we have is to have a side extreme close up of the band members playing their instruments to draw in the audience. Especially those with aspirations to be musicians themselves.
Current lighting is going to be comprised of power torches and gas lamps providing accurate and powerful light. This will enable us to highlight the band and skater during the slowly decreasing light creating a power contrast between the darkening field around the skatepark and the band performing and the tricks being preformed.
Plus with it being a very open area we should be able to use the sky as a magnificent background for the band. A good example of what I mean is the shot below taken out of our video:

Skateboard, instruments (Guitar, Drums, Microphone & Bass), step ladder for high angle shots, camera as well as tripod & of course costumes. We will be getting most of the equipment from Ryan's garage. We will be borrowing the camera from the 6th Form.
By having the majority of props coming from actual group members it will make transporting them to the filming site far easier. Plus by using school equipment we save ourselves a lot of hassle of making sure our own cameras will work with the school programs.
For more detail on the Costumes & Actors Click Here
By having the majority of props coming from actual group members it will make transporting them to the filming site far easier. Plus by using school equipment we save ourselves a lot of hassle of making sure our own cameras will work with the school programs.
For more detail on the Costumes & Actors Click Here
I have added a little more information to Location, Camera Angles, Lighting as well as Props.
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